We're proud to receive a 2025 CDMO Leadership Award in the “Small Molecule Dosage Form - Global" category.
Before she lost her own battle to ALS in 2003, Jenifer Estes started Project ALS, raising over $17 million dollars for the non-profit in hopes of a breakthrough in the fight against Lou Gehrig’s disease. As her family continued the quest, in 2019, they got a hit with a new compound that seemed to stop or even reverse motor nerve damage. The promising new drug would need to begin trials immediately, but as a non-profit, all they had was a half gram of material and a journal article, and the deadline was approaching quickly. That’s when Chris and his team at Thermo Fisher Scientific sprang into action. They worked around the clock to come up with an ingenious solution to scale a half gram of material into a kilo of purified product suitable for clinical trials. Now, with more than enough material in clinical trials to potentially treat or cure one of humanity’s most pernicious diseases, there’s hope for ALS patients.
Watch the video to learn why new and emerging companies put their trust in Thermo Fisher Scientific.