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How can we help you today?

Clinical trial ancillary supplies sourcing and management services

Sourcing clinical trial ancillary supplies requires a dependable partner with extensive experience, a reliable logistics network, and flexible services.

Effective clinical ancillary management requires a deep understanding of global trial complexities, stringent regulations, and proactive risk anticipation that could impact trial timelines. Thermo Fisher Scientific’s clinical ancillary management team offers a unique combination of clinical supply expertise and unparalleled access to a wide range of laboratory and clinical products. Our extensive global network and team of experienced professionals are available to support trials of any scale, ensuring we deliver when it matters most.

Our dedicated team is available to help with product selection, regulatory and compliance services, and comprehensive oversight throughout the entire trial process. Our goal is to ensure clients feel well-supported in managing services, schedules, and resupplies, while working only with trusted suppliers. Thermo Fisher Scientific leverages its strong partnerships and purchasing power to negotiate and supply ancillary products efficiently. We continuously seek better sourcing methods to ensure timely deliveries and offer flexibility in supply logistics. Additionally, we can bundle services and consolidate shipments for your convenience. We work hard to help ensure the optimal level of trial oversight and proactively anticipate potential risks, so you can prioritize your core objectives with confidence.


Discover a more flexible way to secure clinical ancillary supplies and supply oversight. We are here to help ensure on-time delivery for every trial, regardless of size with flexible tiered service options:

Base level
Supply, basic distribution, and logistics. Limited and light project management (PM) Support
Ancillary supply support
  • Core supply chain management
  • Systems setup
  • Basic inventory management
  • Core depot close-out
Standard level
Supply and standard services. Less complex PM support
Service flexibility
  • All base services plus:
  • Global supply chain management and systems setup
  • Global distribution and logistics management
  • Kitting management
  • Supply chain distribution maintenance
  • Project monitoring, execution, and reporting
  • Coordinate returns and destructions (consumables)
  • Global depot close-out
Premium level
Global consultative partnership and full suite of clinical ancillary management services
Your consultative parner
  • All base and standard services plus:
  • Low-risk supply modeling: pool supply management
  • Above the study portfolio management
  • Specialized reporting
  • Budget management and reporting
  • Equipment returns and destructions


Global Procurement and distribution

  • We provide flexible sourcing options for supplies, equipment, and medical devices 
  • Our team ensures the selection of best-fit products and adherence to timelines 
  • Supply oversight services include quality, distribution management, regulatory compliance, and risk management 
  • Risk-averse supply strategies assure reliable delivery 
  • Overall services include regulatory consultation, import/export management, supplier qualification, and global trade compliance
Project management and trial oversight

Our project management team will oversee:

  • System setups in depots and site activation services
  • Supply and resupply needs, as well as ordering schedules
  • Regular meetings, communication, and project reviews
  • Supply inventory, product receipt, and expiry tracking
  • Invoice and budget management
  • Closeout services for sites and depots


Supplemental clinical ancillary services
  • Supply kitting, secondary packaging, and labeling services
  • Supply strategy and design consultation
  • Global distribution and storage services
  • Supply closeout services including returns, redistribution, transfers, and other unused supply solutions
  • Equipment and supply recycling and destruction options
  • Equipment rental services and program oversight

Our featured clinical ancillary management sites

Global network of cGMP sites to support both local and global studies 

Helpful Resources